Spillo 2.0


This is a major new version of Spillo and it requires Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite or later

New Features

Spillo 1.10.1


Spillo 1.10.0


  • Add support for adding newlines in the bookmark description (you can add a newline by clicking Return while holding Shift)
  • Display an error when Spillo fails to connect to its helper application rather than silently fail


  • Fix an issue where newlines in bookmarks description would be lost when syncing
  • Fix an issue where duplicated tags could be created when syncing. If you happen to have duplicated tags, you will have to log out in Spillo’s preferences and log in again, sorry!

Spillo 1.9.11


  • Fix an issue where Spillo would incorrectly show SSL errors when navigating to a new page
  • Fix a rare crash that could occur when switching between collections in the sidebar

Spillo 1.9.10


  • Fix crash that could occur when failing to validate an SSL certificate while visiting a bookmark

Spillo 1.9.9


  • Add preference for retrieving (or not) the website description from the browser extension
  • When sorting by title, bookmarks are now correctly sorted regardless of their case and your current language


  • Fix crash that could occur when clicking on external links in the detail web view
  • Fix Private option not working in Safari extension

Spillo 1.9.8


  • Fix an issue where Spillo wouldn’t launch due to a cryptic error shown when migrating the account

Spillo 1.9.7


  • Fix a rare crash that could happen when refreshing

Spillo 1.9.6


  • Greatly improve speed, CPU usage and memory usage when refreshing, in particular for accounts containing a very large number of bookmarks
  • Add an option to force refresh (hold the option key when viewing the File menu). This will refresh all your bookmarks again even if Spillo believes it has the latest version
  • Share the credentials keychain item between Spillo and its extension (no more Keychain Access alerts!)

Spillo 1.9.5


  • Fix an issue where Spillo would use the URL currently on the pasteboard instead of the website’s when using the browser extension

Spillo 1.9.4


  • Fix crash that could happen when a bookmark had a very long descrition
  • Handle a few more cases where Pinboard cannot sync a bookmark

Spillo 1.9.3


  • Reduce memory usage when refreshing


  • Fix crash on launch on 10.9 Mavericks (for the curious it wasn’t actually an issue with Spillo but rather a bug with Assets Catalog when building with Xcode 8 on macOS Sierra. There’s unfortunately nothing I can do to prevent the application from crashing so, for the time being, I’m back to building Spillo on El Capitan, hoping this will get fixed in a later version of Sierra)

Spillo 1.9.2


  • Fix a bug where the bookmark list split pane would sometimes revert to its original width after resizing
  • Fix a bug where some ghost (unselectable) cells would be displayed in the bookmark list
  • Revert tag search and sidebar selection to match all bookmarks rather than any. Sorry if I broke your existing workflows. However, if you’d prefer search to match any tag, you can now choose this as an option in the Advanced preferences pane

Spillo 1.9.1


  • Add a new Unsyncable sidebar item that displays all bookmarks that cannot be synced to Pinboard (most of the time, it’s because their description is too long and Pinboard returns a "414 Request-URI Too Long" status code). As always, this item can be disabled under View > Sidebar Options
  • Add preference to skip confirmation alert when deleting a bookmark (or rather, show the confirmation in case you’ve disabled it in the past)


  • Fix an issue where a failure to sync a local bookmark could prevent Spillo from pulling the latest bookmarks from Pinboard
  • Fix a bug where Copy Link wouldn’t always copy correctly

Spillo 1.9.0

New Features

  • Use WKWebView on Yosemite and later, greatly improving speed and reliability. Note however that WKWebView doesn’t (yet) support custom context menus so if your workflow relies on these, feel free to revert to the legacy WebView in the advanced preferences


  • Switch readability view to use Mercury now that the Readability web parser API is shutting down
  • Select the next bookmark in the list after deleting one or several bookmarks
  • Selecting multiple tags in the sidebar will display all bookmarks that contain any of these bookmarks rather than the ones containing them all
  • Similarly, searching multiple tags will display all bookmarks that contain any of these bookmarks rather than the ones containing them all


  • Disable Sierra tabs since they don’t make sense in Spillo and they were enabled by default
  • Fix an issue where Spillo could omit the end of a bookmark title when syncing if it were containing some special character

Spillo 1.8.8


  • Make browser extension floatable over full screen browser window
  • Fix a crash that could happen when browsing bookmarks on Yosemite (and very rarely on El Capitan and Sierra)

Spillo 1.8.7


  • Work around a temporary bug with the Pinboard API that would prevent from successfully logging in

Spillo 1.8.6

New Features

  • Add support for changing the text size in the bookmark list (can be changed from the View menu: Bookmark List Text Size)

Spillo 1.8.5

New Features

  • Sierra: Add support for removing the status item by dragging it off the menu bar


  • Sierra: Fix an issue where Spillo would crash when hiding the bookmark details view
  • Sierra: Fix an issue where the position of toolbar icons wouldn’t always be consistent
  • Sierra: Fix an issue where the window would become tiny and after hiding the bookmark details view
  • Sierra: Fix an issue where Dead Links detection would report an incorrect number of broken links

Spillo 1.8.4

New Features

  • Add a new Safari Shared Links extension that allows you to view your latest bookmarks in Safari (requires OS X El Capitan)

Spillo 1.8.3


  • Fix an issue where Spillo wouldn’t correctly authenticate with Pinboard
  • Fix an issue where Spillo wouldn’t report authentication errors
  • Improve crash reporting

Spillo 1.8.2


  • Fix an issue that could cause the Today extension to crash when it’s unloaded

Spillo 1.8.1


  • Fix an issue where the sharing extension would always ask for authentication, even though Spillo was authenticated (finally…)

Spillo 1.8


  • Keep focus on the browser when using the browser extension (Make sure that you also update the browser extensions)
  • Add support for Safari Technology Preview when populating the new bookmark window
  • Display count of selected bookmarks in bottom status bar
  • Add preference to upload the crash reports automatically


  • Fix a crash that could happen when creating a new tag with AppleScript

Spillo 1.7.1


  • Make sure that updates are always delivered over SSL


  • Fix an issue where using the “Set text as Bookmark description” right click menu item on the bookmark page wouldn’t always set the expected text
  • Fix a crash that could happen very rarely when deleting a tag

Spillo 1.7

New Features

  • Add support for showing the bookmark favicon in the bookmark list. This can be disabled in the preferences


  • Fix an issue where some bookmark links were marked as dead when they were in fact just temporarily unavailable

Spillo 1.6.5


  • Fix a crash that could occur when Spillo is checking for dead links

Spillo 1.6.4


  • Add support for checking dead bookmark links manually from the File menu
  • Move the dead bookmark links retrieval to a separate service for increased stability


  • Fix a rare bug that could lead to edits being lost if made while refreshing from Pinboard
  • Fix an issue where Spillo wouldn’t always update when creating a bookmark with the native Share extension
  • Fix an issue where Spillo could fail to find dead bookmark links on El Capitan

Spillo 1.6.3

New Features

  • You can now Quick Look a bookmark content by hitting space


  • The share menu is now also available in the bookmark context menu
  • Clicking cmd-C will now copy the select post URL


  • Fix crash that could happen when creating or editing a bookmark

Spillo 1.6.2


  • Send local changes with Pinboard when quitting Spillo


  • Improve networking on El Capitan

Spillo 1.6.1


  • Improve reliability of the sharing extension


  • Fix a crash that could occur when using the sharing extension
  • Fix suggested tags not working in the sharing extension on El Capitan

Spillo 1.6


  • Improve compatibility with OS X El Capitan

Spillo 1.5.5


  • Make sure that Spillo works nicely with the new Alfred workflow


  • Fix duplicate Pocket sharing service if the Pocket app is installed

Spillo 1.5.4


  • Add support for merging tags with existing tags when editing multiple bookmarks at once


  • Fix a couple of rare crashes

Spillo 1.5.3


  • Add support for specifying a relative date (in last week, in last month, etc…) when creating a collection
  • Add support for Handoff so that you can continue reading a bookmark in a browser on another device
  • Add option to sort the bookmarks by date or title in the View menu


  • Make sure that the window is shown when tapping a post or tag in the Today view
  • Hitting Return in the sharing extension now creates the bookmark as expected
  • A bunch of fixes with the tags field in the sharing extension

Spillo 1.5.2


  • Add support for selecting an item in the General sidebar with AppleScript

Spillo 1.5.1


  • Fix a crash in the Today view

Spillo 1.5

New Features

  • Spillo can now show the latest bookmarks in the Today view in Notification Center


  • Display an Unread and Private status button in the bookmark list
  • Add support for (optionally) showing the unread count badge in the Dock icon
  • Add support for searching through bookmarks description


  • Fix a refresh connection error that could be shown when it shouldn’t have
  • Fix an issue where the title and unread/private buttons status in the toolbar would not update when the bookmark is edited
  • Fix a bug where the Sharing extension was not available in some apps such as Pocket

Spillo 1.4

New Features

  • Add support for editing a bookmark URL!
  • The URL, title and description of the current tab in your default browser (currently supporting Safari, Chrome and OmniWeb) will be fetched and populated in the bookmark window when showing it from the menu item or keyboard shortcut. Also, if you have text currently selected in the page it will be used as the description! (Note that this feature is not currently available in Firefox due to the browser lacking AppleScript support)
  • Add support for Suggested Tags when creating a new bookmark


  • The bookmark title is now optional. If not specified, the bookmark URL will be used
  • Focus on the first empty field when showing the new bookmark window for faster bookmarking!
  • The bookmark count in the sidebar are now more nicely formatter with decimal separators


  • Better reporting of refreshing errors
  • Fix bookmark duplication when creating a bookmark with an existing URL
  • Fix bookmark window not re-opening after manually closing it with cmd-W

Spillo 1.3.1

New Features

  • The Sharing Extension will now use the selected text in the page as the bookmark description. If no text is selected, it will use the description field from the page metadata
  • Add an option to mark a bookmark link as dead or live
  • Add an option to view a bookmark on Pinboard


  • Fix issue that prevented Spillo from logging out when using multiple versions of the app
  • Fix search field not always being responsive when entering text on Yosemite
  • Fix tags without bookmarks not always being deleted when removed on Pinboard
  • Fix a bug where renaming to a tag to an existing tag could create duplicates
  • Fix a bug where dropping a bookmark on a bookmark in the sidebar could not update immediately on Pinboard
  • Fix tags sorting in the sidebar being case sensitive
  • Fix source tags in the sidebar being the same color as regular tags

Spillo 1.3

New Features

  • New Yosemite sharing extension!


  • Add support for dragging a bookmark from Spillo to another application as a URL

Spillo 1.2.2


  • Add preference to disable dead link checking
  • Show bookmark source as a tag in the list view


  • Improve search field behavior
  • Fix internal URL sometimes being used when creating a new bookmark from a page using Readability
  • Fix crash when using the Add to Spillo context menu in the details view
  • Fix webpage changing when adding a bookmark from the Pin button in the browser
  • Fix crash that could occur when checking for dead links
  • Fix crash when setting the selected text of a web page as title or description for a bookmark

Spillo 1.2.1

New Features

  • Add support for finding dead links in your bookmarks


  • Support changing the font and text size for the Readability mode
  • Support multiple selection of tags in the sidebar
  • Add a search command to the AppleScript dictionary


  • Fix crash when using the search field when a Community item or Global Search is selected
  • Fix crash that could occur when using a bookmarklet
  • Fix issue creating a bookmark when the URL was filled from the Clipboard

Spillo 1.2

New Features

  • Add a Readability mode to the bookmark content view
  • Support hiding the bookmark details view. You can now organize your bookmarks without having to load the bookmark webpage every time you change selection!
  • Add a new “from” rule to the collection so that you can match all bookmarks coming from a particular source (Twitter, Instapaper, etc…)
  • Add support for showing the description in the bookmark list (optional)
  • Add sorting option for tags in the sidebar so that they can be sorted alphabetically or by post count
  • Support exporting and importing Collections and Global Searches. You can now export and reimport them whenever and wherever you want (no duplicate will be created). It can be useful if you have multiple machines and want to share your collections and global searches
  • Add Scripts menu that list your AppleScripts for Spillo and let you trigger them from within the app! Check the integration window for examples of cool scripts


  • Add new buttons in the integration window to download the Safari and Chrome extensions directly
  • Add a button to find the API token on Pinboard when authenticating
  • Double clicking a bookmark now opens it in the default browser rather than editing it
  • The cached Pinboard data is now cleared when logging out (note that your collections and searches won’t be deleted since they are not synced with Pinboard)
  • Display an alert before logging out from Pinboard with info about the new cache deletion behavior
  • Rename Search to Global Search to better explain their purpose
  • Improve sidebar appearance when displaying tags


  • Prevent the current bookmark to be updated in the browser when the sidebar selection changes
  • Display ellipsis if some tags don’t fit in the bookmark list cell
  • Fixes some multiple selection issues
  • Fix rare crash that could have occurred when refreshing

Spillo 1.1

New Features

  • Support selection and dragging of multiple bookmarks simultaneously in the list view. You can now show the edit sheet for multiple bookmarks, drag multiple bookmarks to a tag, etc…
  • When typing a space-separated list of tags in the search field, Spillo will now search for all bookmarks having all the tags rather than matching the whole string as a tag
  • Tags in the bookmark list view can now be clicked which will select this tag in the sidebar
  • Add new Collection rule for “Not Tagged”
  • In the web content view, add a context menu option to set the selected text on the page as the bookmark title or description


  • When viewing tags in the sidebar, clicking the tags header will deselect the currently selected tag allowing you to view all bookmarks and nicely drag them to a tag for example
  • In the Collection rules, replace “Shared” with “Public”
  • Add checkbox in the deletion alert to skip it in further attempts
  • Improve performance of sidebar
  • Fix tags not always updating in the list view when updating a bookmark
  • Fix bookmarks sometimes being incorrectly reordered when making changes while tags are shown in the sidebar
  • Fix search field sometimes being unusable after switching between searches and collections
  • Make sure that the context menu delete and edit options are disabled for public bookmarks

Spillo 1.0.2

New Features

  • Add support for logging in with the Pinboard API token
  • Add preference for the bookmark window to be sticky
  • Auto complete tags when creating a Collection


  • Fix login issue that some users were experiencing
  • Better error handling when failing to login. Also you can now use the app even if Spillo fails to write to the keychain
  • Fix tags not always being committed when creating or editing a search
  • Support editing an existing tag when bookmarking from the browser rather than creating a duplicate
  • Make sure that unused tags are deleted locally
  • Restore the sidebar type (General or Tags) on launch
  • Respect the last used option for unread/private when using the browser extension to create a bookmark
  • ⌘F now gives focus to the search field

Spillo 1.0.1

New Features

  • Add AppleScript support


  • Make sure that the window size is correctly restored

Spillo 1.0

New Features

  • First release, loads of cool things!